Capture order and distribute to 3 Departments

Use Case: Capture Order and distribute to 3 departments

Capture order and distribute it to project, engineering and logistics departments of the company via 'Google Sheets' on submission of Google Form .

Step 1: Prepare a Google Form

Prepare a Google Form that collects  inputs such as Customer Name , Email , Invoice Id etc. See below for the Google Form.

Step 2: Configure Form Director 


Step 3: Test the form

Test the form by submitting sample data on the form in step 2.

Adjust your Template, Form Director configuration for Fields mapping, Email templates etc., till you get to the perfection of output and email that you wanted.

Generated Sheets Output :

Project Department
Engineering Department
Logistics Department

Step 4: Roll it out.

Start using the Google Form and roll it out to other users or your audiences as appropriate.

That's it.

Save time by using Form Director