
Google Forms + Salesforce Integration

Create & Update Leads, Contacts in Salesforce on Google Form Submission

What is Form Director?

Form Director is a Google Workspace add-on that directs data submitted from Google Forms to applications like Google Docs, Forms, Sheets, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Email, Trello, Slack, QuickBooks etc.


It is available in the Google workspace Marketplace

Please check installation instructions to install the add-on.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce provides companies with an interface for case management and task management, and a system for automatically routing and escalating important events. 

Google Forms to Salesforce: Use Case(s)

> Create Contacts on Salesforce from Google Forms

> Update Contacts on Salesforce from Google Forms

Google Forms

Create Leads/ Contacts on Form Submit

Form Director


Demo Video: How to create leads on Salesforce from Google Forms?

Create Lead/People

Configuring Salesforce

Login to salesforce

Enable Saleforce API for your Organisation

Follow the steps to enable the Saleforce API for your Organisation

Service 1: Create Contact



Email Template


Finish setting up

You are all set to create Lead  on your Google Form submission

Submit the Form

Submit the Google Form

See new Contact in  Salesforce CRM

Service2: Update Contact



Email Template


Finish setting up

You are all set to create Contacts on your Google Form submission.

Submit the Form

Original Contact details

See the records updated in Salesforce

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does the "invalid_grant" error with an expired access/refresh token indicate? 

The "invalid_grant" error typically occurs when there are issues with the authentication process in Salesforce, specifically related to expired access or refresh tokens.

What are the common causes of the "invalid_grant" error, and how can it be fixed?

There are a few common causes for the "invalid_grant" error with an expired access/refresh token: 

Salesforce limits the number of access grants for a Connected App to 5 per user. If a user exceeds this limit, the oldest approval will be automatically revoked. For more information, check out this document:

Solution: Ensure that the "Refresh token is valid until revoked" option is selected. You can find this setting in your Salesforce account under AppsConnected AppsManage Connected Apps{{YOUR APP}} Edit Policies.

Make sure the Refresh token is valid until revoked is selected.