Google Calendar

Create Google Calendar Events on Google Form submission or Add guests to calendar event.

Google Forms + Google Calendar Integration

How to integrate your Google Form with Google Calendar?

You can integrate Google Forms with Google Calendar using Form Director. Form Director enables you to connect Google Forms with Calendar, allowing you to create events based on form responses. When a user submits a Google Form, the responses are automatically sent to Google Calendar, where events are created accordingly also you can add guests to the created calendar event. 

Automate Google Calendar event creation with Form Director.

What is Form Director?

Form Director is a Google Workspace add-on that directs data submitted from Google Forms to applications like Google Docs, Forms, Sheets, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Email, Trello, Slack, QuickBooks etc.

It is available in the Google workspace Marketplace

Please check installation instructions to install the add-on.

What is Google Calendar?

Google Calendar is a time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google 

Google Calendar suggests meeting times and integrates seamlessly with Gmail. 

Shareable calendars designed for teams. 

Google Forms to Calendar: Use Case(s)

> Create Google Calendar Events on Google Form Submission

> Add Guests (attendees) to an existing Google Calendar Event on Google Form Submission

Google Forms

Create Event/
Add Guests on Form Submit

Form Director

Google Calendar

Demo Video1: How to create Google Calendar Event from Google Form submission?

Demo Video2: How to add attendees (guests) to Google Calendar Event from Google Form submission?

Demo Video3: How to add attendees (guests) to a Google Calendar event from a Google Form submission upon approval?

Service 1: Create Event

Setting up Google Calendar in Form Director

Choosing App and Service

Choosing Calendar

What is All Day Event?

Set event duration

Configuring Event Recurrence

If you need to repeat the event after certain number of period, you need to switch ON the Custom occurrences switch.

To setup recurring events,

(note:  The interval defaults to 1 week and it will end after 10 occurrences by default.) 


Repeat on:


Configuring Time Zone

Google Forms' Date and Time fields do not keep timezone information. 

So you need to provide time zone settings to create events on correct time as per time zone.

Single Timezone

This method allows to Configure your time zone in the add on.

If all your Google Form users are from same time zone you can use this method

Multiple Timezones

This method allows the Form Submitter to choose his time zone

Important Note: Multiple timezone will be useful if we want to accept the form responses from global users (people from multiple timezones). Use this only if it is really required.

Note: Please ensure the timezones are setup in the form by Form Director. Do not make any changes or add your own text in the timezone form field set up by Form Director. 

Adding Guests to Calendar Events

Note : Emails Address should be comma(",") separated

Sending Event Invitation to Guest

Choosing event color

Show user as Free/Busy

Advanced Calendar Services

The advance calendar services consist of the following settings

Add Conference

Add a Hangouts Meet conference by enabling "Add Conference" under Advanced Calendar Services

Add Visibility

Choose the visibility of the event by enabling "Add Visibility" under Advanced Calendar Services

Allow Guest to Modify Event

Add Reminder

Add a reminder to remind yourself before the event starts


Choose in which way you need to remind, there are two ways

1.Remind through Email.

2.Remind through Notification 


Specify before how much time you should be reminded


Choose when to remind, you can configure to remind before minutes, hours, days and weeks 

Avoid overlapping of events

For Example:  Consider one of your guest is booking a meeting in your Google Calendar. He has chosen a timeslot of 10 A.M to 11 A.M. But you already have another meeting scheduled at that time. In this case Form Director will not create the meeting for your guest instead it will send a notification email about the already existing event during the selected time slot.

Event Attachments:

Note: Attachments from the Google Form can be mapped to the 'Attachments' app field (using Mapping GUI) to add the dynamic attachments submitted from the form

Setup Mapping 

Email Template

Send your own customized emails on form submission to your audience.


Sample Output

The following is a sample event created in calendar.

Supported Application Fields

Mapping Tips

Service 2: Add Guests to Event

This service add guests (attendees) to existing events and send calendar invites to them. This will be very useful if you have many attendees and they will be added to the event at different times.

For example, enrolling attendees to a webinar.

Choosing App and Service

Sample Output

The above is a sample event created in calendar.

Best Practices

Calendar FAQ

Can I auto-set the duration? or end date time is mandatory. 

If your End Date should be based on a fixed duration provided from the Start Date, then you don't need to set an End Date. You can use the Set Event Duration option to automatically add duration 

Why my Calendar invites are not going? 

If you are not getting calendar invitations, please check the below.

If still not giving an invite or any error notifications check the troubleshooting docs.