Success Notification
What is Success Notification?
When the service is executed , user would want to get notified on successful execution. Success notification feature of Form Director helps to achieve the below points.
Form Director sends notification when the service gets executed successfully.
Success notification allow user to custom templated message
Success notification presents executed service data in neat table format
Success notification support multiple types of attachments e.g PDF
Explanatory VideoÂ
Notification Settings
Parts of Success Notification
Email Template - templated email messages
Static Attachments - preselected filesÂ
Dynamic Attachments - attachments from the files generated for the configured service.
Email Template
customisable email message with From, ReplyTo, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject and Message.Â
Read more at Templated Messages
Sample email template
Static Attachments
Click Pick Drive Files to attach files from drive.
Select the required file that needs to be attached with email.
Any type of files can be attached to email.
The details of the selected file will be displayed below the button.
Click the delete icon to delete the files attached from drive.
Dynamic Attachments
Dynamic attachment can be done by two ways
Add attachment from Google Form
Attach files that are generated from services
Users can choose the format in which the attachment to be done. Refer Support Several Formats to learn more on the formats supported while attaching generated files.
Sample success notification
Custom Email Providers
Users can configure custom email providers so that the emails are routed by those providers (in addition with Gmail)