
Google Forms + DocuSign Integration

Create and Send DocuSign Envelopes on Google Form Submissions

What is Form Director?

Form Director is a Google Workspace add-on that directs data submitted from Google Forms to applications like Google Docs, Forms, Sheets, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Email, Trello, Slack, QuickBooks etc.


It is available in the Google workspace Marketplace

Please check installation instructions to install the add-on.

What is DocuSign?

DocuSign is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline your document management processes and enhance your organization's efficiency. 

With DocuSign, you can easily create, send, and electronically sign documents, reducing paperwork and accelerating workflows. Whether you need to collect signatures, automate document approvals, or manage contracts, DocuSign offers a user-friendly solution that simplifies document handling and helps you stay organized.

Google Forms to DocuSign: Use Case(s)

> "Create and Send Envelopes" in DocuSign on Google Form Submission

Google Forms

Create and Send a Envelope on Form Submit

Form Director


Create and Send an Envelope.

Configuring DocuSign

How to get your Integration Key and Secret Key

To obtain your Integration Key and Secret Key, you will need to register your application with DocuSign Developer. Please follow the link below for a step-by-step guide on how to register your app with DocuSign:

Register Your App with DocuSign

Here are the key details you'll need for your integration:

These keys and settings are essential for a successful integration with DocuSign. Please ensure that you follow the registration process carefully to set up your app correctly.

Authorize with DocuSign

Configure/Select DocuSign Template



Email Template


Finish setting up

You are all set to create  and send the envelope on your Google Form submission.

Submit the Form

Submit the Google Form

See DocuSign Envelope in Email Inbox