Calculated - Mapping Type

Calculated - Mapping Type - Introduction

Explanatory Video - Part 1 Predefined

Predefined Calculated Values

Calculated - Mapping Type

Some of the types of predefined values that are supported are

Current Date/Time

Insert as Image

Insert as Image - Google Sheets

Image Over Cells:

Note: This option is only available for the Google Sheets app in Form Director.

Image in Cell:

Note: This option is only available for the Google Sheets app in Form Director.

Format as Number

Form Respondent Email

Form Author Email

Form Response Timestamp

Unique Id

Auto Increment

Choosing an auto increment field will keep track of your each form submission in a incremented order. 

Explanatory Video - Part 2 - Expression


There are two types of Expressions 


This section contains some common arithmetic operations like 


Add your Form responses and direct them to your app field


Subtract the values from your form responses.


Get the Average of the values you selected from your form response


Date Add

Add dates by using values from form fields or you can manually add values.

Select Form Field or Value. If Form Field is selected the value will be taken automatically from Form or if the value is selected you need to enter the value manually.

Periods maybe 

Date Deduct

Deduct dates by using values from form fields or you can manually deduct values.

Select Form Field or Value. If Form Field is selected the value will be taken automatically from Form (or) if the value is selected you need to enter the value manually.

Periods maybe 


This allows users to automatically change the text type of a particular field to Upper case or Lower case or Title case.


Do all your custom calculations by choosing custom 

Insert the form fields into expression by click on three dots on the right corner

Check your custom expression by clicking on check expression and see your result