Error Notifications

What is Error Notification?

Form Director not only sends success notification email on successful Form submission, but also sends Error notification with more details about the error through email.

Error Notification is a email notification by Form Director that will be sent to users if any error occurred during Form submission. The error notification can be due to incorrect mapping settings, interfacing with apps, inadequate permissions etc.,

For example, the Start date in Google Calendar is a mandatory app field to be mapped to respective form field.

Explanatory Video

Contents of Error Notification

Contents of the error notification email:

If the error is from configuration side, the users can try to resolve it. If not, the users can contact Form Director team to resolve it. The below image shows a sample Error notification email.

Sample Error Notification

Error Notification Settings

Error Correction and Support

Custom Email Providers

Users can configure custom email providers so that the emails are routed by those providers (in addition with Gmail)