Custom Email Providers
What is Email Provider ?
An email provider basically is a provider of email service.
It provides the sevice to send email for other organisations or end users on their behalf.
Why do you need Email Providers ?
Email Service Providers are built to handle large volume email sends both in terms of size and speed.
The in-built Email Provider (Gmail) has limitations on the number of recipients that can be included on an email and how many emails you can send in a time period.
Form Director provides Custom Email Providers feature to overcome the limitations of in-built Gmail
What Providers are supported ?
Gmail Email Provider (the in-built default email provider)
Amazon SES Email Provider
Mailgun Email Provider
Sendgrid Email Provider
Mailchimp Email Provider
How to configure each Provider ?
Click the Menu icon from Form Director setup.
Select Settings form the list of Menus.
You can see email providers section there.
click on the "plus" button to add new email provider.
You can see list of email providers in drop down.
On click of the email provider it will ask for the credential.
You can provide the relevant credentials.
You can test your credentials by clicking on "Test" button.
Similarly we can configure other email providers.